Toshiyuki Shirogane

Welcome! o/This is a brief introduction to my FFXIV WOL Toshiyuki Shirogane! I am a mostly casual player but I enjoy trying new extremes :] I love to play tanks, and I am always willing to lend a hand!I have been playing FFXIV consistently since April 2022, and currently I am caught up on MSQ! I love talking lore and making characters :D I eventually want to write more about Toshiyuki, but this stands as a good introduction to him and his character! (Additionally you will see a lot of Oskar Holst as the two WOLs are in a shared cannon! Also Oskar is played by my twin, and we are usually playing together :>)
Basic Information

Toshiyuki Shirogane, better known as "Toshi", is one of the Warriors of Light in a shared cannon with Oskar Holst.

Toshiyuki Shirogane
Au Ra (Raen)
Nameday 2nd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/2)
27 years old at the beginning of ARR
Cannon Classes: WAR, DRK, GNB, SAM, FSH

Toshiyuki is generally a more reserved man who has a hard time opening up to others. However, when someone has gained his trust Toshiyuki begins to share more about himself and grow quite close to that person. Although he may never say it, he tends to get very sentimental about people, and truly cherishes his friends even if he never can properly word it he shows this love for his allies through his actions.

In larger groups, Toshiyuki finds himself overwhelmed quite easily letting himself grow quiet and anxious. It isn't until after Shadowbringers does Toshiyuki begin to break out of his shell and attempt to become more outgoing.

Love is often a driving force in Toshiyuki's life, and unknowingly why he gravitates towards tank classes in combat. He uses his incredible strength to endure hardships for his allies. What he lacks in grace with words he makes up for by being exceptionably considerate and confidant for those willing to share their troubles and feelings with him.

Toshiyuki was born in a small fishing village in Doma and suffered greatly under the Garlean Occupation. After he was conscripted into the Garlean Imperial Army at a young age due to unnatural strength, Toshiyuki was forever changed by the horrors he had to endure for the safety of himself and his family.A few months before the start of A Realm Reborn, Hideyuki, Toshiyuki’s younger brother by two years, started a rebellion against the Garlean forces that occupied their hometown. This rebellion resulted in the brothers being gravely wounded, and while Hideyuki still managed to have some strength he helped his older brother onto an escape raft. In a futile attempt to stop Hideyuki from leaving him, Toshiyuki reached out to his brother only to take the katana strapped to Hideyuki’s hip before he lost consciousness. In an attempt to help others make it to the escape rafts, Hideyuki left Toshiyuki only to lose his life shortly after.Unfortunately, Toshiyuki was not granted a peaceful awakening, instead the raft in which he and several other refugees found themselves upon crash landed on the coast of Limsa Lominsa. With the help of nearby fishermen and healers from the city, the wounded were tended to. Toshiyuki only gained a glimpse of the conjurer that tended to his dire wounds, he was a pink vierra dressed in a strange garb unlike the other Lominsians. Although Toshiyuki lost consciousness shortly after, when he next awoke he realized he remembered nothing about himself aside from his name.When confronted with this new strange land and people, Toshiyuki asked one of the fishermen who saved him what his next step should be. Upon seeing the sword that Toshiyuki held, the fisherman suggested that he join the Marauders guild until he regained his memory. With the man’s recommendation ringing in his head he set off, unknowing to the journey that would soon await him and that strange pink vierra that he met on the beach.